It?s an incredibly shocking story, the sort that would once have horrified every American regardless of his politics, one that completely eviscerates the Constitution and renders everything this country supposedly represents moot. And yet few have paid any attention while even fewer are outraged. In fact, most who?ve heard about it cheer Our Rulers as heroes.
"With CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas," reads the headline on the Associated Press? story from a fortnight ago. Turns out that the two agencies have collaborated for the last nine years to spy on New Yorkers.
That?s right: the CIA with its medical experiments on unwitting subjects, its torture, its vicious skullduggery in other people?s countries, its assassinations, and its utter contempt for all law, foreign, domestic or heavenly, has been teaching its tricks to the NYPD ? not that the latter needed any coaching when it comes to shredding freedom. So if you?re tempted to pitch rather than pay that parking ticket, you?d better think twice unless you want a dunk in the Hudson. Waterboarding: it isn?t just for terrists anymore.
The "partnership" between these bureaucracies is extensive and chilling. The CIA has trained at least one cop at "the Farm, the agency's spy school in Virginia"; other personnel float back and forth. One "respected veteran who had served as a CIA official inside the United Nations ? interviewed police officers for newly defined intelligence jobs [with the NYPD]. He guided and mentored officers, schooling them in the art of gathering information. He also directed their efforts?"
Cops concentrate most of those "efforts" in Moslem neighborhoods ? for now. But how long until the CIA-NYPD Borg adds other religions and ethnicities in this city of immigrants to its list? How long before connoisseurs of drugs the State disapproves, pedophiles (except, of course, those the Transportation Security Administration harbors at the airports) and political dissidents become "security threats" worthy of the Borg?s "efforts" ? if they haven?t already?
Whether they are or not, or when they do, we?re unlikely to know: "Neither the city council, which finances the department, nor the federal government, which has given NYPD more than $1.6 billion since 9/11, is told exactly what's going on. ? ?One of the hallmarks of the [NYPD?s] intelligence division over the last 10 years is that, not only has it gotten extremely aggressive and sophisticated, but it's operating completely on its own,? said [Christopher] Dunn, the [New York Civil Liberties Union] lawyer. ?There are no checks. There is no oversight.?" Dunn also denounced the Borg as "a rogue domestic surveillance operation."
You aren?t safe from the Borg just because you don?t live in the five boroughs. "Officials" insist that "any potential threat to New York City is the NYPD's business, regardless of where it occurs," and they act on that "policy": "The NYPD has gotten some of its officers deputized as federal marshals, allowing them to work out of state. ? [The] undercover squad ? operates in places such as New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, officials said." And of course, it?s possible the CIA colludes with other departments in other cities, too.
In New York, the Borg?s lone, unsupervised cowboys patronize Islamic bookstores and internet cafes while eying and chatting up the clientele; ditto for worship at mosques; and, as if that weren?t enough unconstitutional wickedness, they cultivate snitches, too. I wonder how long New Yorkers will remain apathetic once the Borg begins sidling up to congregants in churches and synagogues. Tragically, Americans no longer understand this probability. Instead, they applaud the lie that Our Rulers spy only on Moslems solely to protect us.
Fortunately, the State?s legendary incompetence often thwarts its lust for control; the Borg offers yet another proof of that. "It is no secret to the Muslim immigrants of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, that spies live among them," the New York Times reported in 2006, when the Borg was four years old. "Almost anyone can rattle off what they regard as the telltale signs of police informers: They like to talk politics. They have plenty of free time. They live in the neighborhood, but have no local relatives. ?They think we don't know, but we know who they are,? said Linda Sarsour, 26, a community activist."
The Times ran this story a few days after one of the spies sent 24-year-old Shahawar Matin Siraj, a.k.a., the "Subway Bomber," to prison for 30 years. Indeed, without the informant, Siraj probably would never have suffered arrest, much less conviction: "he was not linked to a terror group like al Qaeda nor did he have any explosives. The case hung on the undercover work of [Osama] Eldawoody, a naturalized Egyptian who spent nearly two years posing as a like-minded radical Islamist."
He might as well have been named Elder Goody: he was more than twice as old as Siraj, and he presented himself to the younger man as a Moslem mentor. He flattered Siraj, whom an uncle described as "not too bright.... He's not dangerous, he just talks," and showered him with attention, then suggested blowing up the subway station at Herald Square, one of the system?s major terminals; after all, US soldiers were raping Moslem girls back home: didn?t Siraj want to avenge their innocence?
After months of such cajoling, Eldawoody?s prey finally succumbed. His wire caught Siraj?s agreement on tape.
And so a young man with no criminal record, no association to terrorists other than Eldawoody (who "worked" for some of the world?s most ruthless, the NYPD), and no weapons or other means of fulfilling his mentor?s plot languishes in America?s gulag. Not surprisingly, "some Muslim leaders remain convinced that [Siraj] was entrapped."
Eldawoody and his entrapment aren?t an aberration. They are as common as dirt when it comes to American "terrorists" ? so common we might ask whether there would even be any American terrorists were it not for the government?s ginning them up.
Indeed, the same week the AP exposed the NYPD-CIA Borg, the left?s flagship publication, Mother Jones, released research it had compiled over the last year with the equally leftist Investigative Reporting Program at the University of California-Berkeley. The duo "examined prosecutions of 508 defendants in terrorism-related cases, as defined by the Department of Justice." Their conclusion? "The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots ? or leading them?"
It seems that virtually all homegrown terrorists? schemes originate not with Moslems who hate our freedom but with an FBI that does. "Remember the Washington Metro bombing plot?" MoJo asks. "The New York subway plot? The guys who planned to blow up the Sears Tower? The teenager seeking to bomb a Portland Christmas tree lighting? Each of those plots, and dozens more across the nation, was led by an FBI asset."
You may be reluctant to accept the word of two notoriously leftie outfits. Fine. Here?s the FBI and the U.S. Department of Injustice crowing about their subornation of a half-witted and harmless dupe: "At trial, the government proved that Siraj [and one of his equally pitiable friends] plotted to plant explosive devices at the Herald Square subway station... The evidence included hours of secretly recorded conversations between Siraj and Osama Eldawoody, ? a paid informant for the New York City Police Department's Intelligence Division ? [The U.S. Attorney on the case] praised the outstanding work of the New York City Police Department, and thanked the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the New York Joint Terrorist Task Force for their assistance."
Or, as Siraj?s lawyer put it, " ... the New York City Police Department creat[ed] a crime so they can solve the crime and claim a victory in the war on terror."
And so we have the Borg spying on American citizens to catch the FBI?s terrists. Have these bozos never heard of inter-agency memos? Why doesn?t the FBI save the Constitution and our money with a simple email to the Borg: "Comrades, we are concocting a terrorist who will target the 9/11 Commemoration at Ground Zero, the Superbowl, Amtrak, what-have-you. Contact us for further details as to exact time and place, the tapes of our entrapping him over the last 22 months, and other evidence you will need at trial."
Or perhaps the Feds with their Terrist Factory are simply fulfilling Obummer?s pledge to create jobs.
Becky Akers [send her mail] writes primarily about the American Revolution.
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