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Saturday, September 17, 2011

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

Latest Cover-Up/Deceptions
- CIA investigates whether laws broken helping NYPD
- Court Pleadings Point to CIA Role in Alleged "Cartel" Immunity Deal
- Airplane bathroom sex blamed for terror alert
- Never Forget: No Plane Hit This Building
- Infowars Man on the Street: Poll on WTC Building 7 Collapse
- MSNBC distorts post-debate poll results to falsely depict Ron Paul as just barely winning
- The lie that began the endless war on Iraq
- Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

hahaha! oh my god that was awesome This website is obviously yet another government disinfo outlet. Got keep the lies going, lest the sheeple wake up and learn to think for themselves!The mass media sounds like a pillow-soft, demented lullaby from a parent who really only wants you to fall asleep so that they can set the house on fire and then write some sensational and entertaining copy about it; copy you won?t be reading. Lately I have been going to to read the comments that follow the articles. Out of a hundred responses you might find two that attempt to alert the readers to what?s actually going on. When that happens, the rest of those commenting jump on them with the usual tin foil hat, conspiracy theory, nut job tags >(that they've been programmed to do by the mass media.) It?s proof positive that the majority of people will defend those oppressing them as if the 'news' were actually real news instead of manufactured horseshit woven into crowd control medleys of the kind of elevator music that was probably playing in the Twin Towers on 9/11.

The original attack was mass trauma brainwashing perpetrated by a traitor class within America. Now, they're reinforcing the original conditioning designed to justify perpetual war and strip Americans of their civil rights and freedom under the pretext of an imaginary terrorist threat. Americans are being asked to acquiesce in their own enslavement, and most seem to be deceived. 9-11 is being spun as a kind of mini "holocaust" - a cathartic event that "changed everything." Illuminati Satanist puppet/hermaphrodite, "Lady" Gaga is asking the question, "What will you do to remember?" An atrocity such as 9-11 does not require commemoration. It cries out for justice! The (REAL) perpetrators should be exposed and punished. Otherwise, they will continue these false flags in the form of terror attacks, oil leaks, stock market crashes, viruses or "natural" disasters. The politicians who wax eloquent about 9-11 are among the main accomplices. You have to admire their ability to lie so brazenly, no doubt a job requirement. What this spectacle demonstrates is that we live in a de facto Communist society where the means of production and weapons of mass deception are controlled by the State, a.k.a. the central bankers. Our "leadership" class are traitors who have sold their souls for "success." 9-11-01 brings to mind G.W. Bush, Jr. reading to school children from an upside down book at the moment he was publically "informed" of their planned "Pearl Harbor type" event. It also brings to mind the BBC announcing the demolition of WTC Building 7 a full 30 minutes BEFORE it actually happened. The whole situation is analogous to the JFK Assassination, where half the people at the funeral had foreknowledge of the hit. The official 9-11 story has more holes than Swiss cheese. If this were a free and open society, there would be widespread and genuine interest in addressing these questions. Instead, there is repression, fear and a cover-up. I'm not going to review these questions again. I refer you to David Ray Griffin's new book, "9/11 - Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed" and to "9-11 For Dummies -Five Facts Everyone Should Know" which points to the glaring absence of bodies or plane wreckage. I refer you to 1600 architects and engineers who say the destruction of the WTC was a controlled demolition.
9-11 was perpetrated by the London-based Illuminati (Masonic) central bankers to advance their centuries-old plan for one-world-government (i.e. tyranny.) It was executed by the CIA, Mossad and elements within the US military and covered up by the political & media class who are mid level go'fers for the bankers. They are accessories after the fact. They are criminals.This is why no one within the US Establishment was held responsible for allowing this mind boggling attack. If it were real, there would have been hundreds of court marshals and resignations beginning with H.W. Bush, Sr. and his "announcement of a New World Order" on September 11, 1991.. The mass media, whether government or "privately" owned have been discredited as liars. Reporters and announcers are traitors. All three original TV networks were founded by the Illuminati bankers. Fox is no different and is actually worse than the others, though they are all in the pockets of the Rockefellers/Rothschilds.
Perhaps Americans suffer from some kind of Stockholm Syndrome? If they only play along, perhaps the Illuminati bankers won't harm them. What remains for people like us (who can see the obvious?) Let's hope there's not another false-flag op. on this year's 9/11 or from the "comet Ele-Nin" (Satanic backwards speak for Nine-Elevin). Interestingly, NASA has secretly warned it's employees to "prepare for" this event. The media portents for this September aren't encouraging... however, on the bright side, eventually, the Illuminati will self-destruct. Evil is dysfunctional and parasitical. It cannot exist on it's own apart from the good it so desperately wants to destroy.
?Why, of course, the people [of every nation] don?t want war: but, after all, it is the leaders of the countries who [plan wars], and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED [BY SOME EVIL PERSON OR COUNTRY] and they will do it. They will denounce the pacifists [those who oppose war], for lack of patriotism and say they are exposing the country to danger. ~~Hermann Goering, a Nazi leader next in rank to Hitler, stated in the Nuremberg trials .......... Just one of hundreds of very telling historical quotes that you will never hear on TV or in public schools: Same old, tried n true formula they've used on the duped masses throughout all of history. This psychopathic game goes on and on as elements of the bad guys (our 'leaders'), position and posture themselves into the "good guys," so they can advise and lead you into a new reality or "new normal", away from those who have been left behind to take the fall for what their associates are saving you from. If people can?t see what?s been happening to them all along, it is doubtful they will see the more complicated strategies that are employed to ruin them in the long run. If they can?t master the game of ?Go Fish?, it?s pretty clear that ?Checkers? will mystify them completely. This master Chess game has been in operation for a long time and an objective view of the present day status makes it clear that the ones running the slaughterhouse don?t have to worry about the cattle catching on (until it's too late, that is). Even when they smell the blood and terror of the killing floor, mass panic is about all they can achieve. They don?t recall how they got there or much of anything else that happened before. Politics is nothing but a diversion. It?s one diversion after another diversion so they can sign their policies into action without people seeing it. It?s astonishing, really, that people still bother to vote. I mean, it really surprises me they go off, after living their lives and watching this sort of stuff happen and still go and vote for 'democracy.' And they get these fresh faces all waxed to vote for, and the agenda goes on regardless of which party claims to be in power. Because you see, they?ve already signed all the treaties and update them yearly from the UN and it doesn?t matter which one?s in, they always carry it on. Thomas Jefferson once said, when you see agendas, the same agendas, continue between changes in the House ? that?s parties ? he says, know then that you?re under tyranny.
Consider the number of Americans that rely on the mass media for information. The closest they get to arguing about what they hear is when they blame whatever is happening on the other political party. For them it comes down to liberal vs conservative and it?s not possible that they even know what that means because both parties routinely trample upon the precepts they insist they are practicing. The fact that frothing at the mouth demagogues like Limbaugh, Savage and the blockheads at Fox such as O'Reilly and Hannity can attract millions of listeners is an irrefutable indication that Stupidity is the death of Curiosity and Curiosity only travels from their crotch to their stomach and back again. Reason has fled, so there is no one to tell Curiosity that something doesn?t sound right and provoke it to look around the corner where the guys with the baseball bats are hiding. Millions and millions of people are listening to these mouthpieces, who are employed by the same people who own the media, the same people who send the cattle through the chutes. Everywhere I go, I see some version of that thing that makes believing lies, already proven to be lies, which repeat toward an assault on one more country, doing a brisk business and it?s a rare bird indeed that ties the ownership of the media selling these lies, to the same interests provoking and demanding each of these wars, while getting those too stupid to notice to die in them FOR them.
Point this out irrefutably to those unaware of it and they will defend the one?s abusing them as if they were proud of it by calling OBVIOUS truth a "conspiracy". If someone owns the media and also wants some wars and has investments in all the material and also loans the money out of thin air that indentures the nations involved, you would have to think that meant something.....that is if you could think at all.

Just as a question, and first a clarification - while I don't necessarily believe the official story put out by the government or mass media, I have seen no evidence put forth by anyone so far - including people who make claims like 'London Based Illuminati' that have convinced me that this was planned and executed by Mossad or the CIA. I do think this event has been abused for political and tyrannical gain, from the wars to the formation of the TSA, but your argument 'Anonymous' has no facts in it - besides the claim that the BBC reported on the WTC7 collapse 30 minutes before it happened, which has been left unexplained and I find suspicious indeed. Otherwise, you have no corroborating evidence of a grand conspiracy to murder a thousand people and start a war with no discernible goal besides control of oil wells and drug production.

I'm just saying - if you have evidence that contradicts, provide it. And pointing to books by like minded people who simply argue the same points - also without corroborating evidence, I must add - does not count as evidence. I'm not willing to believe WTC7 collapsed due to fires from debris, but I'm not going to accept claims that a vast shadow organization with all reaching hands has done this - too many banks, corporations, and politicians have personal and political goals and aspirations to coordinate something so grandiose. I make this claim based on the simple fact of human nature. If something so simple as a belief in god can divide nations and generations of peoples, money, power, and control such as this is a theory on such a ridiculous scale that a logical mind would dismiss it out of hand.

a logical mind may well dismiss it out of hand, the mind is very powerful but a logical mind can be made to preduce absurd results without knowing it if there is erroneous/insufficient data and other forms of damage.

i had views when i went to look at 9/11. an event had been used as justification for restructuring the entire world. the mind i had was one where because of the significance, i was determined to find out for myself what this was irrespective of my initial views. if one does so in earnest, no matter where you start, the world will reveal itself to you and likely you will start to obtain some real data on 9/11.

senior people in have too much influence to be trusted and are controlled. power is based on leverage, secrets are shared in order to maintain the conspiracy, otherwise you would have a nation exposing the secrets of another ntion for example.

if a senior official tells serious truth to the public, things happen. the kennedies, mlk, many more. people keep silent for such reasons like they want to live just as people pay taxes because they don't want to be assaulted albeit they are paying for improvements of the dictatorship.

people are routinely remote controlled without knowing it.

i looked up 'reality TV' in a dictionary - television programmes focusing on members of the public living in conditions created especially by the programme makers.

i suggest therein is a clue to what people are living in. if you look at what is being done rather than being sucked into the story, you will see conspiracy in action.

to ask officials for answers on this would typically be like asking a pig to fly. the media produces a unconscious conspiracy of ignorance, officials maintain a conspiracy of silence.

I do not want to say secrets aren't kept, and that organized crime happens on a massive scale like this, it has to, or yes, globalization would collapse quickly. I've looked up what I can on 9/11, and I've found plenty of ideas and theories that point to different causes. I'm not basing my conclusions on what the media has fed the people, I base it on the lack of real evidence, the lack of actual proving, done by people who claim they know the truth of events.

I agree, this event has been used - abused - to make parts of the world and society fit the ideas of a few powerful persons, but I don't think the entire thing was arranged for such. I simply think a situation was taken advantage of, and not much more.

WTC7, in the video, looks like it collapsed due to construction implosion charges - the idea that every floor collapsed simultaneously from random flaming debris seems far fetched, at the least. If this was the case, it would have failed floor by floor, like the Towers did.

I don't agree with the silence, at all. I want the full footage confiscated, I want all the pictures, all the eyewitness testimony, all the emergency services reports, and I want them without redaction or interference. Since this will never happen, I must be content with the evidence provided. There isn't much more I can do.

what often happens under challenge to a political entity, there is a split and you can have two political organisations whose interests are in common, e.g. trade unions and government. the conservatives set up the labour party for that reason in britain, people end up screwed, such is a few thousand years of history.

this has not happened with 911, though terms like '911 truth movement' appeared, presented with choices people do their own thinking. what is presented by official channels disables the logical mind.

america is often given the blame for british foreign policy, chatham house being somewhere to look for future events though records prior to 9/11 are not present.

a story goes out with a list of suicide hijackers, so we have a story which is alleging conspiracy. the bbc release that people on this list are alive and well. we have a contradiction, one i relate to heirarchy (just a guess) as american officials are left knowingly supporting blatent nonsense (disabled as to disagree is to be mutiny against the dictatorship).

"america is often given the blame for british foreign policy"...

I'd never considered this, but had attributed the UK's hostility toward the US, to their imperial knowledge of the game, and our failure to properly comprehend it. (Not speaking of you here Dave.)

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