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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sending Your Kids to Public School Is Child Abuse

by Jeff Berwick

I don't know why it was so obvious to me. School was prison for kids. That's the way I saw it. But as I looked at my fellow school inmates around me they didn't seem to notice.

By the time I reached high school I had resigned myself to just getting a passing grade to make my parents happy and move on. My goal: 50%. I didn't want 51%... if I got that, I was trying too hard. I'd rarely show up. And when I did I'd sit in the back row listening to the horse race reports from the warmup sessions at the track where I would go each evening and, in nearly 100 visits, perhaps recorded a loss at the end of each evening once or twice.

As for school, I'd really only go for the tests. I'd go two hours early and speed read the textbook and make sure I knew just enough to pass. I was quite good at it, to the point where on my final exam of high school I had planned it perfectly so passing the course would give me just enough to graduate and I even knew the exact score I needed on the test to pass: 62%.

It was social studies, which I detested for having to memorize obvious propaganda, but it was easy enough to pass the exam. I'd short-term memorize as much as I could and the dates and places that I couldn't remember I'd write on my forearm, or my leg, or on any number of cheat sheets I had. It was a two hour exam and there were multiple choice questions worth 70% and essays worth 30%. I went through the multiple choice in about 30 minutes and knew I had enough to get 62% so I didn't even bother with the essay section. I got up to leave and was informed that there was a "minimum time requirement of 1 hour".

"A minimum time requirement," I complained! "But, I'm done!"

"Go sit until the hour is up," they admonished. Servitude to unworthy authoritarian figures is the real goal of schooling in the west. Angry, and bored for the next 30 minutes, I went on to write some of the more disturbing and outright erroneous essay answer questions probably ever recorded in social studies history.

But, finally the hour was up and I could escape. And I did pass that course and finally was allowed out of child prison.


Even back in the 1980s school was atrocious. But when I look at what is going on today I can only come to one conclusion: sending your child to public school in the US is child abuse.

Think I'm exagerrating? Hear me out.

Let's just start with all the injections your child will receive if you force them to go for their government training. The fascist US Government which is one in the same with the pharmaceutical industry continues to want to inject more and more heinous chemicals into your children while they have them under their "care".

In one instance, a 14-year-old girl was forced to take vaccinations for hepatitis A, seasonal influenza, meningitis, and HPV (Gardasil) in a Detroit area school despite her parents previously-stated opposition to their daughter receiving medical treatments from the school (see story here).

This is just standard operating procedure at most school's nowadays. "Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school," said Melinda Harmon, a US Federal Judge, recently.

Giving multiple vaccines is "like a sudden onslaught to the body's immune system", according to this Australian Government study. And, when given to youngsters whose immune system hasn't yet fully formed, it can be catastrophic for health... which is probably the point. Remember, people like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Al Gore and more are trying to do as much as possible to reduce the global population. Bill Gates has even stated publicly that vaccines are one of the best way to do this.

Now, in a new amendment to California's Health and Safety Code as it relates to vaccinations will take effect this fall for the 2012-2013 school year, and will require all incoming seventh graders, as well as eighth and twelfth graders for the first year, to get a Tdap booster vaccination for pertussis (whooping cough) before being admitted to school. Mandatory.

"A number of clinical laboratory studies demonstrate that vaccines may cause chronic damage to the G.I. tract, immune system, brain, and other organs," says Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., an American research psychologist, writer, lecturer and advocate for autistic children.

And, once your child has had their immune system attacked by countless unnecessary and dangerous vaccines (autism has increased 1000% since 1990 due to vaccines) then the government will be looking to give them all manner of other chemicals.

Your child has a little too much energy and doesn't want to sit and listen to complete morons trying to brainwash them with garbage? They'll be sent home with a prescription for the highly addictive and dangerous chemical, adderall.


When they aren't being dumbed down by drugs or having their immune system destroyed by vaccines they have to actually deal with their Lord of the Flies type environment.

Many parents actually are aware of this environment and will support it stating it is good... it will toughen them up, they say. We're not so sure sending your five, ten or fifteen year old into something that is not that different than a high security prison to avoid getting shivved in the bathroom is the best way to teach them about life. You could just rent Oz for them and save them some terrible emotional scars.

TDV subscriber and correspondent, David Giessel, sent us these photos of a maximum security prison in Oakland recently:

And this:

Well, maximum security child prison. That's an elementary school in Oakland. Your kids will have such warm memories of their time interned, no doubt!

And, if you try to get out, microchips implanted in your child's school uniform will notify the authorities, if this technique used in Brazil catches on... and it is sure to.

And that is when the state isn't trying to trap your kids into victimless crimes to bust them. A 22 year old cop in Exiter California wasted eight months of stolen taxpayer money trying to trap little kids into buying something, anything which would take away the pain of 12 years of being imprisoned in their formative years. Nearly a year later he had ruined the lives of twelve high school prisoners and all but ensured their graduation to adult prison... or as they call it, prison.

The cop was almost giddy as he stated, "A lot of jaws dropped when they saw me. They knew me as that kid at school that they hung around with, and then the next thing they're in handcuffs and I'm in a uniform."

And when they aren't being beaten up or entrapped into prison sentences by the state, they are being prepared for their future FEMA camp internment.

According to "The End Of The American Dream":

All over the United States, school children are being taken out of their classrooms, put on buses and sent to "alternate locations" during terror drills. These exercises are often called "evacuation drills" or "relocation drills" and they are more than a little disturbing. Sometimes parents are notified in advance where the kids are being taken and sometimes they are only told that the children are being taken to an "undisclosed location". In the years since 9/11 and the Columbine school shootings, there has been a concerted effort to make school emergency drills much more "realistic" and much more intense. Unfortunately, the fact that many of these drills are deeply traumatizing many children does not seem to bother too many people. Do we really need to have "active shooter" drills where men point guns at our kids and fire blanks at them? Do we really need to have "relocation drills" where kids are rapidly herded on to buses and told that they must surrender their cell phones because they will not be allowed to call anyone? Our schools more closely resemble prison camps every single day, and it is our children that are suffering because of it.

Or, like at an elementary school in Baltimore recently, three nine-year-old girls and an eight-year-old boy were arrested for fighting and marched out of their elementary school in handcuffs. In New Haven, Connecticut a 10-year-old boy was actually arrested by police for giving another student "a wedgie" on a school bus. Or, in San Mateo, California a few months ago a 7-year-old special education student was blasted in the face with pepper spray because he would not quit climbing on the furniture. Police were then able to subdue the boy and he was "committed for a psychiatric evaluation".

And, when they aren't being arrested or handcuffed, the school will be working to ensure your child adheres to the will of the collective and does not try to be an individual and use their own mind independently as this teacher's letter reinforces:


You can state that you have been the victim of theft and are forced to pay for these schools. And, yes, you are. But nothing can justify actually sending your children off everyday to this type of environment. If you do, you are a child abuser. Especially when homeschooling and unschooling have been made so eminently possible thanks to the internet.

You can then state that thanks to the socialist/fascist government and the central banks you've been so impoverished that you and your wife must work 18-hour days just to survive... and that is why you send your kids to prison camp. But, even that is not justification enough to do this to your own children. If this is the case and you cannot find any other way then leave where you live and search for a place with better opportunities.

It's hard. I know. It was hard for your ancestors to get on that boat and survive scurvy and come to a foreign land to make a living too. But they did it.

Here, at TDV, we are working on all manner of ways to help people in that situation. We are helping people get out of the western world through foreign residencies and second passports ( and the TDV newsletter regularly covers all these subjects.

The latest thing we are working on is a liberty-minded enclave, likely in Mexico to start (and then other locations through Asia, Africa and Central/South America afterwards) which will be built in co-housing style. Our top priority will be self-sufficiency and a true community environment where the occupants live, work and co-operate with each other to build a prosperous community. And the other main factor is price. We want to make it as cheap as possible to attract young, freedom-minded families. We are talking under $50,000 for a complete family unit and total daily living costs of under $5, using economies of scale to efficiently provide organic food and homeschooling/unschooling opportunities for all. Not anarcho-communism... that is seriously stupid. But a community of anarchists who believe in property rights and the non-aggression principle.

This is the type of thing we are working on here at TDV. Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, don't be a fool, get your child out of school.
Jeff Berwick [send him mail] is an anarcho-capitalist freedom fighter and Chief Editor of the libertarian, Austrian economics grounded newsletter, The Dollar Vigilante. The Dollar Vigilante focuses on strategies, investments and expatriation opportunities to survive & prosper during and after the US dollar collapse.

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