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Friday, May 16, 2014

Police Batons, Like Tasers, Are Only "Non-Lethal" When Used to Kill Mundanes

William Norman Grigg

"My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, we'll put them on the ground, take the gun away, and then decide whether you have a right to carry it," promised Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn several years ago after Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen issued a statement recognizing that residents of the state have a right to carry firearms openly.

One of Chief Flynn's "troops" shot and killed a man yesterday (April 30) after beating the victim with a baton for refusing a pat-down. The victim, who appears to have been homeless, was already on the ground when the emissary of the Milwaukee PD arrived. Bear in mind that Flynn?s department is among the most corrupt and abusive in the country, and that other "troops" under Flynn's command have conducted "pat-down" searches that escalated to strip-searches and digital invasions of intimate anatomy by the officers. Any resident of Milwaukee who encounters a cop has a rational fear of sexual assault, which makes resisting a pat-down an act of reasonable self-defense.

When the victim of yesterday's shooting refused to be battered by the armed stranger, the assailant withdrew a baton called an "asp" -- which is regarded as a "non-lethal" impact weapon when wielded by a member of the state's punitive priesthood -- and began to beat the homeless man. In describing this act of unwarranted violence, Flynn said that his subordinate was "defending himself."

The impudent Mundane, not understanding that he has an unqualified obligation to accept whatever violence his uniformed overseer chooses to inflict on him, confiscated the weapon and used it to ward of the attacker. The officer pulled his gun and "fired several shots at the individual, striking him numerous times and ultimately causing his death," Flynn recounted. The Chief engaged in a tortured circumlocution in order to avoid using the phrase, "The officer killed the man."

Like tasers, police batons are imbued with curious properties that make them "non-lethal" instruments when used by cops to electrocute or beat a helpless person to death -- but that transform them into "lethal weapons" when they wind up in the unconsecrated hands of Mundanes.

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submit, comply and obey,, or die. that is the "constitutionalists" creed, if your not with us, your against us said dubya after the false flag op called 9-11 and it has lead us once again down a terrible path of genocide and tyranny supported by the belief a piece of paper signed 238 years ago by dead conspirators somehow can protect us from the cannibalism made possible by unrepentant bastards that compromise our morality.
The CON is powerful and greed driven to make racketeering somehow legitimate if backed by pen and paper and backed by force of imprisonment, summary executions and covert cannibalism.

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