Latest Politics/Corruption
- Herman Cain Embraces Stupidity: "We Need A Leader, Not A Reader"
- 27 Reasons Why Newt Gingrich Would Be A Really, Really Bad President
- Food Fight - Deciding Who Profits from Taxpayer-Subsidized Lunches
- Obama Says GOP Candidates Are Wrong, Waterboarding is "Torture" (But Torturing Bradley Manning Is A-OK)
- Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In CBS Debate
- Ron Paul: "Torture is immoral & un-American"
- MSNBC Analyst: We Should Get Rid Of The Second Amendment
- $443 Million For A Smallpox Drug Experts Say We Don't Need
that right eyebrow looks a bit like hitler's fake moustache. presentation not content, it is just a show but that doesn't mean each knows what their real parts are.
i hear on the radio that they want camera in all cabs (taxis - doing the knowledge - life on the meter for the punters). as a freemason enterprise likely they are there already. walking to the library i pass a young woman driving a plymouth council corporation with a big camera on the roof. ie i am supposed to notice this, i did.
the message implementation is something of a brotherhoold and sisterhood scream of 'we are watching you'. well, erm, library's are spied on, outwardly for austerity and inwardly it is big business, a book moves someone or group gets paid.
did anyone suggest the camera is rude? if one wanted evidence big brother is a nut, well, we are all surrounded with evidence.
the dictatorship presents to me as very human. over time every now and then one would hear a story of people living next door to each other had an argument over a hedge and on occasions to the point of murder. amplified up to power networks (what happens if people are grouped up, grouped up creates unconscious function of a predatory nature).with the military industrial complex downsizing, the prisoners face an increasing struggle for the necessities of survival and their awakening is automatic in the circumstances. this situation is described as global warming as despite the media trying to chuck as many arguments at people so they take sides and argue, people become politically aware.
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